6 powerful diets that can help you recover from chronic illness!

When people set out to recover from chronic illness they don’t typically think that there are different diets for different illness per se. The medical profession commonly advises most people who need or want to lose weight and regain their health to; exercise more, eliminate sugar, eat whole grains, low fat and eat plenty of vegetables and fruit. Things have advanced dramatically in the last decade and even in the last few years when it comes to the “right” diet and what’s best for each person. Today I am going to share with you the 6 most powerful diets I use with clients that can help with weight loss and chronic illness including; diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disorders, cancer, allergies and more. Which diet will be right for you?

1.Paleo Diet

You may benefit from the Paleo diet if you suffering from any or all of the below;
  • Obesity or weight gain
  • Minor digestive issues
  • Low levels of inflammation
  • Weight loss resistance
The paleo diet has hit North America like a storm and has quickly become one of the hottest diets out there and all for good reason, because it works! The Paleo diet is really a way of eating that is based mainly on foods presumed to be available to Paleolithic humans such as; meat, seafood, fish, vegetables, root vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruit. Basically, it is a way to go back to eating real, whole, unprocessed foods that are more healthful than harmful to our bodies. The paleo diet is full of foods that force your body into burning fat for fuel instead of sugar. It is geared towards getting you away from the modern day Standard American Diet (SAD) that is so heavy in processed carbohydrates, sugars and unhealthy fats. By eating a paleo diet, you can begin to repair some of the metabolic damage from SAD eating, normalize your insulin levels, and reprogram your genes to burn stored fat for energy. Get started with a Paleo diet in my weekly meal planning and group coaching program here.

2.Autoimmune Paleo

You may benefit from trying an auto-immune paleo based diet if you suffer from;
  • An autoimmune disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Food sensitivities
  • Moderate to severe digestive issues
  • Chronic acne
Autoimmune paleo is taking the paleo diet one step further and removing more of the known foods that cause inflammation in the body including eggs, nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, egg plant, peppers) and nuts. AIP works to calm inflammation in the gut and in the body. And while autoimmune disease can never be cured, it can be put into remission. The AIP diet is geared toward healing the intestinal mucosa and supporting low inflammation in the body which can help reduce an autoimmune flare-up. Get started with a Paleo diet in my weekly meal planning and group coaching program here.

3.Ketogenic Diet

If you suffer from the following you may benefit from following a ketogenic diet;
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Some cancers
  • Yeast overgrowth
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Chronic acne
  • Epilepsy
  • Neurological diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, sleep disorders, brain cancer, autism and multiple sclerosis)
The Ketogenic way of eating causes your body to go into something called ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state that happens when you eat very low carb, moderate protein and high fat. Eating this way will force your body to use ketones instead of carbohydrates as its main source of fuel basically turning you into a fat burner instead of a sugar burner. Ketones are what the body produces when burning fat hence the name Ketogenic diet. Following a true ketogenic diet, you would eat fat to supply most of your calories, eat limited protein, and no starchy carbohydrates.Get started with a Paleo diet in my weekly meal planning and group coaching program here.

4.Specific carbohydrate diet SCD, GAPS Diet

If you suffer from any of the following  you may benefit from following an SCD or GAPS diet.
  • Crohn's disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Celiac disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Autism, ADD, ADHD
The main premise behind the SCD or GAPS diet is that complex carbohydrates that are not easily digested feed harmful bacteria in our intestines causing them to overgrow producing by-products and inflaming the intestinal wall. The diet works by starving out these bacteria and restoring the balance of bacteria in our gut. The allowed carbohydrates are monosaccharides and have a single molecule structure that allow them to be easily absorbed by the intestine wall. Eating SCD or GAPS diet is a way to “re-boot” your digestion and is used for people with extreme leaky gut. For more information: http://scdlifestyle.com/about-the-scd-diet/

5.Low- FODMAP Diet

If you suffer with the following;
  • Bloating, IBS diarrhea or constipation
  • Flatulence and stomach pain because of muscle spasms.
Eating healthy foods like fruit, vegetables, beans and whole grains seem to aggravate the above symptoms. You have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder or small intestinal bacteria overgrowth. You may benefit from trying a Low FODMAP diet. FODMAPs stands for Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Disaccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols). These are a group of short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed. In people with gastrointestinal symptoms, a diet high in FODMAPs can induce painful bloating, and IBS. For more information: https://chriskresser.com/fodmaps-could-common-foods-be-harming-your-digestive-health/

6.Low histamine diet

If you suffer from a number of these symptoms you might benefit from a low histamine diet;
  • skin rash, spots, redness, hives
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Iitching
  • Flushing & severe sweating
  • Joint, bone pain
  • Headaches
  • Tachycardia (racing heart rate)
  • Eyes tearing/dry, eye pain
  • Numbness & tingling in face and extremities
  • Skin feels on fire
  • Unexplained anxiety, sudden drops in blood pressure, fainting
  • Persistent diarrhea, vomiting, unexplained weight loss
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Sinus problems
Avoiding foods that are high in histamine and foods that produce histamine. For several reasons some people can not tolerate histamine very well. This can be from gut infections like SIBO, mast cell activation or genetic abnormalities in DAO (diamine oxidase), the primary enzyme responsible for protecting us from histamine in foods and low levels of certain vitamins and minerals. It is a complex issue and you can read more about histamine intolerance and for a food list of histamine containing foods here: http://www.histamineintolerance.org.uk/about/the-food-diary/the-food-list/ Often today we feel it is  “easier” to solve  health problems with pills, surgeries and quick fix diets but all illness can benefit from eating the right foods and one of the 6 mentioned above can be a great starting point on the road back to health. With any medical issues it is always best to check with your MD or ND before starting any new dietary program. 
  “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”   Hippocrates
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Karen Martel is a Certified Hormone Specialist and Transformational Nutrition Coach dedicated to empowering women through their health journeys.

As the host of the popular podcast The Hormone Solution, Karen tackles the complexities of hormonal health, weight loss resistance, and the challenges that come with perimenopause and menopause. Her mission is to disrupt outdated narratives surrounding women's health, providing reliable information and practical solutions that help women reclaim their vitality. With personal experience overcoming her own health struggles, Karen offers insights into hormone optimization and sustainable weight management strategies.

Join her as she engages in enlightening conversations with experts and shares actionable advice, all aimed at helping women navigate their unique hormonal landscapes with confidence and clarity. Tune in to discover how to embrace life's stages while enhancing overall well-being.

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