My Confession
I have a confession…..I hate dieting!!! I know you’re probably thinking “Well isn’t that what you do Karen is put people on diets?” Yes that is part of what I do but I don’t want to be associated with the word diet.When I started this business I began experiencing this sense of resistance and an unsettling feeling that I couldn’t figure out. I have learned to always listen to my intuition and knew that there was something not clicking for me, but what?
What Brings Me Joy Then I read book called“The Life Changing Magic of Tiding Up” . The books premise is basically that you go through every item in your house, hold it in your hands and ask “Does this bring me joy?” If the answer is no you get rid of it. At the end of this daunting task you are then left with items that only bring you joy! I highly suggest reading the book; I mean really who doesn’t want to be surrounded by joy! In the midst of reading it I asked myself “Does my job bring me joy?” Suddenly loud and clear I had this thought “I love helping women to transform their lives and their bodies but dieting does not bring me joy!” I hate dieting just the word alone conjures up feelings of resentment and anger. I felt like I spent the majority of my life dieting and I want nothing to do with it. But in that moment I realized that transforming one’s body is usually associated with dieting.
A Torturous Method of Using Starvation to Lose Weight The definition of the verbdieting is “To restrict one’s self to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight”……A.K.A. a torturous method of using starvation to lose weight. When I went to school we were taught that we should use the word diet because that is what people can relate to and that is what they want to buy, so I somewhat followed their advice. Well that’s not who I am or what I want to promote in my business. It’s simply not realistic to think a person should go hungry to lose weight. Have you ever thought about the fact that our ancestors 2-300+ years ago never calorie counted, never weighed food and certainly didn’t diet and there was very little obesity rates? That’s because when you are living the right lifestyle all of that is unnecessary. When you eat the foods that we were made to eat and I don’t mean pre-packaged shakes or boiled chicken, your cravings lessen naturally. When you begin to understand that it doesn’t matter how much chocolate cake you eat, those emotions that you are running from are still going to be there. When you face these obstacles one by one, naturally weight loss happens.
This is Not Dieting; This is a Lifestyle Change The definition oflifestyle is: The habits, attitudes, moral standards etc. that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group. So instead of looking for your next quick fix diet let’s change your habits around food and lets change your attitude about losing weight! Quit asking yourself if you’re ready to diet and instead ask yourself are you ready to change the things in your life that are stopping you from losing weight.
What in Your Life Do You Need to Change? Changing your lifestyle to reach your goals is going to be different for everyone. The media wants you to believe that there is some one size fits all magic diet program or pill because that is what sells! Get it out of your head from this day forward that there is no such thing and every single person is going to need something different. That is why I created Karen Martel Nutrition because I want to help you find your own personal lifestyle changes that will help you reach YOUR weight loss and health goals. Yes I have created “diets” but I would much rather say that I created a template for you to work from that will help guide you in discovering what is your own personal weight loss code, not anyone else’s.
As of today stop associating weight loss with restriction and willpower and start seeing it as a different lifestyle a life you want to be living, a life that brings you JOY! Know that there is an answer out there and one that will make losing weight easy and natural for you, start by asking yourself “What in my life do I need to change in order to lose weight.
Clickhere to book your FREE discovery session and find out how it is I can help you begin to reclaim your health. karen@karenmartel.com