Living in a world of quick fix diets - combined with our need for instant gratification - sets us up for failure when it comes to weight loss and health.
We want the magic tea, coffee or ketone cocktail to magically shed the weight. We buy into 21 days of hard core work outs to transform our bodies for life.. but what about all the rest of the year.. or even the rest of the month? Do these schemes even work? Did they work for you? Or did you feel like a massive failure for not achieving what the marketing promised it would.
This is the reason taking a holistic approach to your weight loss is key to life long success.
Because cutting calories or 21 days of hard core workouts aren't cutting it anymore. Take Kristen, for example, who really was doingeverything right. She ate well, worked out consistently and tried hard to reclaim her body. Today Kristen is here to tell her incredible journey of success. As much as I would like to take some credit for her transformation, I have to say Kristen really did all the work and I barely had to do a thing except point her in the right direction. She was keen and willing to do whatever it might take to feel better again in her body. She worked hard at doing everything I instructed her to do and it paid off.
I was lucky enough to meet Karen when she signed on to be the Nutritionist for Fit by Design's Warrior Woman Challenge in January of 2016. I had been working out regularly and eating healthy but I could not lose weight. In fact, I was continuing to gain weight. Not only that, I felt terrible. I was sick all the time, suffering from migraines, bronchitis, cold sores, acne, severe endometriosis and I was exhausted all the time. I was at my breaking point when I made the appointment with Karen. Karen's guidance and programming has helped me regain my health and my confidence again. I have been following the Autoimmune Paleo diet for 18 months. Who knew food allergies and gut health could have such a negative impact on your health?! I also had hormone testing done. My estrogen was high and progesterone was low. I have been using bio-identical progesterone for a year. My endometriosis is under control and menstrual cycle is normal for the first time in my life. I rarely get sick now and I feel healthy. I lost 30lbs between February and June of 2016 and I have been able to keep the weight off for the last year (with some fluctuations up & down 5-8lbs). Karen's programs offer sustainable lifestyle changes. I am so happy that I met her and I would recommend her to anyone.Like most women, Kristen's success is based around the need to to beeating the right foods that help her to lower inflammation and calm the fires of her autoimmune disease . She had to straighten out her hormones and heal her gut. As you can see from Kristen’s before and after photo she has her confidence back and her health. She
continues to thrive and is always working on her health. So before you jump on the next dieting band wagon ask yourself if it really is the best answer for you to achieve life long success?