Camille Gallinger is a Certified Nutritionist, Personal Vitality Coach and an Advocate for COURAGEOUS Self-Care. Through personal nutrition consultations, 1-on-1vitality coaching, blogging and speaking, she helps her clients avoid burnout and regain VITALITY, which she personally defines as Energy + Momentum + Joy.
With an understanding of what it feels like to be drained, discouraged and overly-stressed (Camille beat asthma and later, adrenal fatigue), she uses her professional skills and personal experiences to counsel and coach the “tired and the toxic.” She goes beyond a “nutrition-only” approach and encourages clients to shift unhealthy mindsets and release “disempowering” relationships that drain their health and vitality just as much as poor eating habits.
Now with a great respect for setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing supportive relationships, Camille not only teaches a lifestyle of courageous self-care that promotes health and energy but emphasizes protecting it once you have regained it.
Visit: www.thinkvitality.com