I am not judging the junk food they are buying... but I do like to see what so-called healthy food they have picked! I see people often following the Canada food guide, buying things like skimmed milk, All-Bran cereal, orange juice, margarine and Nutrigrain bars. I always get this overwhelming desire to start grabbing these items out of their cart and yelling “Do you know what this is doing to you!!!!” Sadly, I just turn away and hope that one day they discover the truth behind all the food lies we have been told growing up.
I grew up with a health-conscious Mom who truly believed that she was feeding us the healthiest foods one could buy at the time, and you guessed it, it was much of the same food I listed above. The information around what is healthy and what isn’t is constantly changing and I get how overwhelming it can be. Luckily, in this generation, we have far more access to the truth than we have ever had thanks to the Internet. Although there is probably truth to be found with every type of diet out there - we know for sure now that there are some foods that have no place in our diet no matter which way you choose to eat. Today I am sharing with you the 10 top food lies that we have been told in the last century and hopefully I can reach a few of those people that are still believing in these lies and they begin swapping out from their carts for a healthier version.