Introducing, Trina
Hiya, my name is Trina and I’m the co-owner of Kamloops Hot Yoga. I started a hot yoga practice in 2005 and was 'hooked' after my first class. I actually left that class thinking they were all nuts and I was never going back. But as I sat in my car in the parking lot I realized that I’d never felt so good – in my head. It was a great physical work out but I’d been having a lot of problems with anxiety, insomnia, feeling burnt out and stressed out. For the first time in a long time it was quiet upstairs lol. After having a consistent (almost daily) practice for two and half years I took a leave from my career as a social worker and went to Honolulu, Hawaii in 2007 where I completed the Bikram's hot yoga teacher training. I had no intention of opening a yoga studio but in February 2010 found myself (and my partner Dwight) opening the doors to Kamloops Hot Yoga and leaving my previous career in the dust behind me. I saw the benefits of yoga in my own life and teaching yoga as an extension of my social work experience that I could share with others. I love yoga and believe yoga is for everybody - the young and the old and in between. Now it’s almost 7 years later, I’m in peri-menopause (ladies if you’re there too you’ll get me) and I believe my yoga practice has kept me out of prison. I must also mention that after a consultation with Karen and a change in the way I was eating for this new ‘special’ phase of life she has helped me to stay in my jeans! I couldn’t fool myself anymore when my yoga pants were getting snug. Healthy eating and hot yoga is a match made in heaven. I get questions about the heat and hot flashes … my experience has been that I haven’t had many hot flashes and when I do it’s hard to notice the difference in the heat anyway. Yoga is a 'practice' not a ‘perfect’ – so every day in the room is a different day. I invite you to come and practice with us – mindfully, joyfully, diligently and without judgment. All are welcome at Kamloops Hot Yoga. If you want more information about our studios our website is We are also on Facebook. As a special offer for the month of November only, if you’ve never had a membership at our studios there is an introductory rate of $45 if you tell us that you heard about us from Karen Martel. This is $5 off our regular introductory offer. Trina Redman Studio Owner