So why do you want to lose weight? It’s a question I ask all my clients and a question you should answer before embarking on any weight loss program. We all know that it is unhealthy to be overweight that it could lead to diabetes, heart disease, cancer and those other fun things that can kill us or make life extremely miserable. But unfortunately this is rarely what drives us to lose weight and the reason why is because we don’t know what it feels like. Unless you have had the heart attack or have developed diabetes or cancer it makes it difficult for you to use as a driving force to lose weight. I ask my clients to get behind the feeling of why they want to lose weight because when you feel strongly enough about something your chances of success increase.
Grab a piece of paper, sit down and ask yourself truly why you want to lose weight; is it because you want the energy to play ball with your kids or just energy to walk up a flight of stairs? How about you want to feel sexy and beautiful? Don’t be ashamed of what comes up majority of the time it has to do with our ego and the ego is one strong driving force. I wanted to be able to try on clothes in the change room and not hate everything I put on; I wanted to wear the fashion I liked, not what covered my stomach up.
Whatever your reason write it down and then imagine what it would feel like to have that wish come true, that you lose weight and you can run around with your kids for an hour and not feel winded, that you can pull on the skinny jeans and not have the muffin top. How good would that feel? Once you’re done fold that paper up and keep it somewhere handy. That way when you are having a tough day or a tough week and that ice cream is calling your name, you can take that paper out and reread it and remind yourself why you want to lose weight. I would love to hear why you want to lose weight, feel free to post in the comment section below.