Tanya looked healthy and fit - even running half marathons - but despite her "I can take on the world" attitude, she had a thyroid disease. She had been suffering for 15 years with immense daily aches, pains and mobility limitations.
“I had been taking medications for my thyroid for that long and while outwardly it didn’t appear to be an issue - those closest to me knew there was another side. “Tanya decided to reach out for help after reading my article on Thyroid disease“How Hypothyroidism Could Be Affecting Your Weight”. One in eight women will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime. An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, and up to 60 percent of these people are unaware of their condition! Plus this number is continuing to rise every year. I know I see it in my practice almost on a daily basis!
Foggy thinking, depression, dementia, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, cold intolerance, hoarse voice, irregular menstruation, infertility, muscle stiffness and pain, weight gain and my specialty…weight loss resistance are some of the most common symptoms of Hypothyroidism.
What a lot of people don’t know is that up to 90% of thyroid disorders are from an autoimmune disease.
Autoimmune disease is when the body is attacking its own tissue - in this case attacking its own thyroid gland which is called Hashimotos disease. There is also Graves disease which is when your thyroid is making too much thyroid hormone. There are many reasons for autoimmunity and require whole other blog post. The important thing here is that the symptoms of autoimmune disease can be reversed through diet, supplements and lifestyle.I put Tanya on a strict autoimmune protocol for 30 days and here is what she had to say...
“The Changes for me occurred within 3 days, nothing I have ever tried ( workout plans, cleanses etc)has given me those kinds of results. I lost a total of 16 pounds and 6 inches and regained about 50% more energy! My attitude is better and so in turn I am easier/ happier to be around. My body doesn't hurt daily and there is WAY less complaining. Working with Karen she was easy to talk to, share with, and she listened to me. I hadn’t tried anything like this program." What people should know is to be open to it. Is giving up cheese hard?? Yes, but if not eating it makes daily life better, then for me it's a no brainer. Food intolerances are huge in my opinion and it can be as simple as removing one thing from your daily routine that can make a huge difference. I enjoyed every aspect of working with Karen, I would do it again and continue to this day to recommend her to anyone who asks. We as women need to take responsibility for our own personal health and working with her is one of the steps that everyone should take. Thank YOU and I will keep me coming back should my situation change again.”I will never forget when Tanya bounded back into my office months later to report she could kneel down in her garden and get back up again! Something she had struggled with doing before.
If you are suffering with hypothyroidism and are experiencing similar pain as Tanya had been, I encourage you to do something about it. Thyroid disease like all autoimmune disease is greatly effected by lifestyle and diet. To read more about autoimmune disease and how you begin reversing itread here . Interested in getting help book your free discovery session by filling out the form below.