How to Keep Your Sex Drive Alive with Susan Bratton
Susan Bratton is a champion and advocate for all who desire passionate relationships. Considered the "Dear Abby of Sex," Susan's fresh approach and original ideas have helped millions of people of all ages and across the gender, spectrum transform sex into passion.In this episode
- The best foods for your sexual health
- How your digestion can impact your sexual desire
- Why you need to increase your nitric oxide levels to help stay lubricated and to help increase your sex drive
- How women have erectile tissue just like men do and why that is so important to take care of and use to your advantage during sexual intercourse
- How to take care of your vagina health including hormone replacement therapy and blood platelet therapy
You can find the Susan Bratton Show® on , her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, Flow, Boost, Desire and Drive
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