7-13 Welcome to hell! Now before you jump off the next bridge you see, hang in there because there is hope for your hormones!
There are five main hormones that seem to have the largest effect on how women feel and their weight. They are; Thyroid, Cortisol, Testosterone, Progesterone, and Estrogen.
In the next series of articles, I will be diving a little deeper into each one and going over the signs and symptoms of imbalance and what you can do about them. Let's start with....Estrogen the sexy beast!
Estrogen is fundamental to the formation of female sexual characteristics and reproductive function. In other words it’s what helps grow breasts, pubic hair and armpit hair. It also stimulates growth of the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) during the menstrual cycle, increases uterine growth, improves lubrication of the vagina, and thickens the vaginal wall while increasing blood vessels to the skin. If all is in check, Estrogen gives us soft, voluptuous, wrinkle free womanliness AND the ability to make us orgasm! If Estrogen is not in check she becomes the beast making us overweight, angry, and certainly not sexual! When estrogen levels are too high or the ratio between estrogen and progesterone is off (called estrogen dominance) you may experience a wide range of symptoms such as;- Acceleration of the aging process (those damned wrinkles)
- Allergies, including asthma, hives, rashes, sinus congestion
- Autoimmune disorders such as lupus erythematosis and thyroiditis, endometriosis and possibly Sjoegren's disease
- Breast cancer
- Breast tenderness (sore breasts prior to your menstrual cycle)
- Cervical dysplasia
- Cold hands and feet as a symptom of thyroid dysfunction
- Decreased sex drive
- Depression with anxiety or agitation (bitchy)
- Dry eyes
- Early onset of menstruation
- Endometrial (uterine) cancer
- Fat gain, especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs (Muffin top)
- Fatigue
- Fibrocystic breasts (lumpy sore breasts)
- Foggy thinking
- Hair Loss
- Headaches or migraines
- Hypoglycemia (Hangry= hungry + angry)
- Increased blood clotting (increasing risk of strokes)
- Infertility
- Irregular menstrual periods
- Insomnia
- Memory loss
- Osteoporosis
- Polycystic ovaries
- Sluggish metabolism (can’t lose weight)
- Thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism (can’t lose weight, tired)
- Uterine fibroids
- Water retention, bloating
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats (waking up feeling like you peed the bed)
- Vaginal dryness (sex is awesome…not)
- Decreased energy and ambition (dragging your ass)
- Depression or mood swings (raging bitch)
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Mental confusion
- Urinary incontinence (oops.. just peed in my pants a bit)