Imbalance can be caused by the following: decreased levels of estrogen, progesterone or both as well as blood sugar imbalance and inflammation, poor diet, caffeine, drinking alcohol, stress/emotional situations, external heat, and even confined spaces. Okay, so we talked about what happens and why.Now let’s talk about some real solutions. Every woman is different so try to figure out what triggers YOU.
Keep a journal .
Write down how you slept, what you ate/drank and how you were feeling. This will help establish a pattern and you can narrow down what the culprit(s) might be.
Supplementation. Popular supplements among menopausal women are: Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamins B and E. Essential oils like lavender, clary sage and chamomile can have a relaxing effect and help with stress. FemmGuard + Balance combines black cohosh some of the vitamins B6 and B12, magnesium and calcium.FemmGuard + Balance may be easier and more effective than using single herbs by themselves.
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy. Bioidentical hormones are similar in composition to hormones produced by your own body and are quickly and readily picked up by hormone receptors in the body.Estradiol and Estriol can quickly bring hot flashes under control. Bioidentical estrogens are safe when taken with progesterone to balance the effect of estrogen in the body.
Progesterone also has a calming effect and promotes better sleep. Just what the menopausal woman needs!
Alternative Therapies. Acupuncture may be helpful. Astudy published in 2011 found that women who had acupuncture has significantly fewer hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.
It’s important that women explore a full range of options to treat the “heat”. No two women are the same and the ways their bodies will respond will be different as well. Be open to different therapies. If one method doesn’t work, try another. Be patient and show yourself some grace. In time, you will find the path to end your “private vacation to the tropics.”