And even though we know the stats, when it comes to the promise of losing weight, quick and easy – we’re ready to throw money into the wind to get the perfect “quick fix” solution. Isn’t that madness?
The hunger years
When I was a teenager I used to pray to God to give me the strength to starve myself. No word of a lie, I used to wish so badly I could be anorexic. Instead I had a voracious appetite that would drive me to eat so much food that I would feel ill and then make myself vomit. Eventually the self-induced vomiting ended but I still went well into adulthood believing that theonly way I could lose weight was to starve myself by being on a diet, and that would be the only way to stayand get skinny.Let me ask you a question…
How do you feel about dieting? I want you to think about this for minute…What feelings surface when I ask you about dieting?
Does the word diet fill you with joy and pleasure? Do you start salivating at the thought of steamed broccoli and boiled chicken or meal replacement shake….Mmmm yum! Or does it make you cringe inside? Does it make you run for the hills grabbing every piece of cake you can find? Do you think of abundance when you think of dieting or starvation? For many, starvation and fear are the feelings that surface.
So we stick to our boring, bland tiny portionsor go to the extremes I went to and beat ourselves up for finally giving in to the cake or the cookies. We berate ourselves thinking “I have no will power, I am a failure.” Then we continue to fill our faces until the next quick fix diet comes along…again. And so carries on the vicious cycle.
Mainstream media will tell us we need to calorie count and burn more calories than we eat. But the more you burn and the less you eat; the more you areliterally starving !
That is why 95% of diets fail.
Diets are a vicious game of will power. How long it will it be until you fall off the diet wagon and eat everything in site because you are STARVING?Did Grandma wear a Fitbit? Did she portion out her food? Did she eat low fat and calorie count? Hell no! Before the 70’s the obesity rate was so low they never even kept track of it!
So what were we doing right back then?
The majority of us were in a healthy weight range becausewe ate real food . We cooked, we had community, we grew our food, there wasn’t as much sugar, we ate good fat, we worked physically hard, we had less/no TV, we danced, we had no hormones in our food, the chemical load was far less, life was simple and less stressful, we had more enjoyment from real things in life instead of “material stuff”.It’s time to regress
We have come to a point in our health where it’s time to regress to progress. We have to create a simpler life with less focus on external things to making us happy -including food . Being truly happy and fulfilled in life should be priority in our weight loss journey. Feed your soul first and the struggle around food will likely disappear. We need to reprioritize our lives and spend time in community and with our children. We need to stop demonizing food and start eating again….we need toDITCH THE DIET! Join myOn Track program and learn about nutritious food, hormone health and what else is necessary in order to lose weight. Things like levels of happiness, stress reduction tools, motivation, support and education. The On track program is not just a meal planning program but a program that incorporates the necessary tools to making permanent changes in your body and in your life. Read more here about the program and get started today.