The Advanced Thyroid Series
Our Failed Medical System & Alternative Treatments for Hypothyroidism with Dr. Gary Foresman
Dr. Foresman ranked among the top in the nation on his Internal Medicine Board Exams. He has the best and most comprehensive Internal Medicine training to be found, including serving as a Clinical Professor who has trained other physicians at a University Medical Center.- A deep dive into why our medical system is not treating hypothyroidism correctly.
- What your doctor needs to be testing for.
- How proper thyroid treatment is actually science based and yet being ignored.
- How often Dr. Foresman treats an underactive thyroid in women that are over weight.
- What tests Dr. Forseman runs with his thyroid panel.
- Diet and hypothyroidism.
- Zeno estrogens and our thyroid
- Treatments for hypothyroidism
- The power of low dose naltrexone
Watch the interview to the interview
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